To facilitate the access, I am creating this page of links to my interpretations of Lao Tzu’s “Tao Te Ching” through my heart/mind (verse by verse), geared towards the artist, towards creating…But aren’t we all Artists…isn’t Creating what life is all about?
As I time passes and I publish the following ones (there are 81 verses), I will be visiting back to this page and adding the new links. The link to this page is in the sidebar, in Past Blogs Index box.
So here are the links;
Introductory Tao Te Ching Blog
“No Name” Tao Te Ching, verse 1 for Artists
“Opposites Create Each Other” Tao Te Ching, verse 2 for Artists
Non Action “Tao Te Ching” verse 3 for Artists
The Void “Tao Te Ching” verse 4 For Artists
Never Exhausting Emptiness “Tao Te Ching” verse 5 For Artists
The Creative Source “Tao Te Ching” verse 6 for Artists
Admiration of the Profound “Tao Te Ching” verse 14 for Artists
Learning From the Masters “Tao Te Ching” verse 15 for Artists
Returning to The Source “Tao Te Ching” verse 16 for Artist
The Art of Leading “Tao Te Ching” verse 17 for Artists
Remembering The Way “Tao Te Ching” verse 18 for Artists
Please excuse my ignorance Lilith, but can you give a little background–what *is* Tao Te Ching, who was Lao Tzu? And why do you choose this to try and interpret, this specifically?
There are many scholars who have studied it, so I will give couple of links for background.
Myself I am not an expert, but I have taken this challenge for self development. It also goes along with and is affirming the understanding I have developed through my art/life. It is a guide for living wisely, written in short verses (more like riddles), giving advice on living in harmony with the Universe and it's principles. Written in about 6-4th century BC, but very relevant.